About Riyadh Cement: ​

Riyadh Cement Company was established in 1997 AD in the city of Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it is classified as a Saudi public joint stock company. The company's activities are represented in the production of white and black cement, wholesale and retail trade, and building materials. ​

Identity launch:

Identity represents the brand and defines it and draws its borders, so its realization is a basis upon which we base our production of media materials. Riyadh Cement Company has a long history in the sector that we studied and witnessed, which inspired us to build a promotional campaign to announce the new identity that included defining the history of the company, presenting the identity philosophy and its pillars, and displaying it in a ceremony The launch and affiliated social networking sites achieved outstanding success.



We produced a short film that reviews the history of the company, in addition to the accompanying videos and designs that showcase the new identity and its pillars in line with our vision for the project and achieve the aspirations of the Riyadh Cement Company and reflect their vision in line with their strategic directions, and enhance the position of the brand, keeping pace with the future stage.